Did You Know That Nicotine Is One of The Most Heavily Addictive Substances in The World?

Smoking is the single largest cause of preventable illness and death in Australia. It is a major cause of heart attacks, stroke, and peripheral arterial disease. It causes more illness and death than any other drugs. Smoking kills almost six times as many people as road and other accidents, suicide, murder, manslaughter, poisoning, overdoses, and HIV all put together. Smoking kills more than 19,000 Australians a year.

Passive Smoking Is Also a Health Hazard
People who inhale smoke from others are at increased risk of smoking-related disease. Non-smokers living with smokers have about a 25 to 30 per cent increase in the risk of heart disease and cancer.

What Can You Find in Your Cigarettes?

Tobacco smoke from cigarettes, cigars and pipes contains over 4,000 chemical compounds and breathable, suspended particles. There are over 40 chemicals found in cigarette smoke that are known as carcinogens. Some of the chemicals present in tobacco smoke have been proven to cause cancer and increase the risk of birth defects. Smoking during pregnancy greatly increases the risk of miscarriage and inhibits child development.

Tobacco Is a Deadly Cocktail of Chemicals
Many of the chemical compounds are known poisons including:

  • Nicotine : increases blood pressure which makes the heart work harder.
  • Carbon monoxide : found in car exhaust fumes makes the heartbeat faster and replaces oxygen in the blood.
  • Arsenic : found in ant poison.
  • Tar : contains dozens of chemicals that cause cancer
  • Ammonia : found in floor cleaner is used to increase the amount of nicotine that enters the body
  • Benzene, cadmium, formaldehyde, lead, mercury, naphthalene, urethane, and a variety of nitrosamines are potent human carcinogens. Some of these chemicals are in household products with warnings on their labels telling you to avoid inhaling them.

Smoking Is a Strong and Very Dangerous Habit
According to statistics, more than 75% of smokers have tried to kick the habit at least once, and many have tried it over and over again. The biggest reason for it being hard to quit is that smoking is not under your conscious control. When you first started to smoke you did it consciously but now it is something your unconscious mind does automatically. Smoking cigarettes is usually done by your unconscious mind.

The Good News: Hypnotherapy has a positive effect on your unconscious mind.

If yes, we can help you. You can quit smoking with us in only one visit. 96.7% smokers quit in only one visit and become a happy permanent non-smoker for life.
Quit Smoking with the Vitality Clinic is easy, fast, relaxing, and long term. You can quit smoking with us without using harmful drugs, patches, pills, or needles. The well-formed suggestions address the roots of the habits and deactivate the triggers for smoking. The hypnotic suggestions stop your cravings and urges to smoke and disconnect the need and desire for having a cigarette.  As a result of the approved and very powerful suggestions, you will persistently refuse cigarettes no matter what might happen. Independent of whatever feelings you may have, you will handle all situations effectively in your life without the need and the want for cigarettes.

Quit Today

Let us make it easy for you to QUIT. We are so confident in our quit smoking system we offer you three reinforcement sessions totally free.

Phone: 0433167704
We are available in Mount Pleasant and Rockingham clinic or online.
Email: vitalityclinic2019@Gmail.com